Transforming teaching with cutting-edge tutortouch interactive panels
tutortouch interactive panels have revolutionised the classroom, offering a dynamic space for collaboration and creativity. Starting with the basics, educators are encouraged to explore and push both physical and virtual buttons to familiarise themselves with the technology (playing on the panel is the best way to learn about it). Collaborating with colleagues in the education space and sharing insights further enhances the understanding and innovative use of these panels in the classroom.
When adding interactive panels into lesson planning, using Bytello Class software, educators are advised to make learning a visual engagement by fully using the whiteboard feature for annotations, sketches, and other visual aids. Collaboration is promoted through features that allow students and teachers to mirror their device screens using another one of our unique programs called Bytello Share to work collectively on shared documents or presentations.
The advantage of using visuals and the infusion of fun elements contribute to a more immersive & engaging learning experience. Moreover, upgrading student work involves replacing traditional worksheets with interactive apps, utilising digital maps, and fostering collaboration through shared platforms.
Using digital teaching tools is an essential aspect of our tutortouch interactive panels, with recommendations to show instructional videos, using the Note App for interactive lessons, integrating productivity suites, such as WPS Office, and designing visually appealing materials with tools like Palette. Beyond the classroom, tutortouch interactive panels contribute to shaping a positive school culture. Educators can involve students in brainstorming sessions for classroom rules and norms, display daily tasks for clarity using AirClass to play engaging activities that promote teamwork and even take virtual field trips to bring to life the students’ theoretic knowledge.