Increasing concentration with the hokki stool

Lothersdale Primary School is small community school nestled in a small village on the edge of the Yorkshire Dales. The primary school is determined to ensure they provide a learning environment where all students thrive and so, when given the chance to try the hokki stool for a movement seeking child they eagerly accepted. 

Championing forward thinking and inclusivity

Lothersdale Primary School champions forward thinking and inclusivity. The school has children from all backgrounds including looked after children and those with additional SEN requirements. “Agile spaces are a priority for the school,” explains Mrs Melanie Tyson, headteacher at Lothersdale Primary. “This academic year we have given them particular focus as we have looked for ways to implement flexible seating arrangements to meet the needs of every child.”

Keen to explore new solutions to help their students, the school agreed to trial the hokki stool for a pupil who displayed movement seeking needs.

Introducing the hokki stool

Mrs Natalie Knight, class 3 teacher at Lothersdale, identified Adam as a student who potentially would benefit from using the hokki stool. Adam is an enthusiastic student and likes to share his ideas but sometimes he struggles to regulate and can shout out over his peers.

“We were hoping the hokki stool would help Adam to control these impulses and regulate his behaviour,” explained Mrs Knight. “We regularly have brain breaks and activities to encourage movement in the class, but we previously have not tried anything seated to help Adam whilst he works.”

Since receiving the hokki stool, Adam has taken full ownership of the stool, taking it to all his work spaces. “I feel better as I can move more freely and it helps me concentrate and stay calm in lessons.” says Adam. 

As well as helping Adam concentrate, the hokki stool also has also delivered some additional benefits too.
“Adam’s seating position and handwriting has improved massively!” explains Mrs Knight. “With the stool improving Adam’s posture and having the ability to rock and move, it has really helped him to  concentrate on the work and refine his writing.”

As well as Adam using the stool, his classmates have also been given the opportunity to try it out with more expressing their enjoyment working with the hokki stool.

“It is definitely something we will be looking at implementing for other students in the school.” says Mrs Knight.

“The hokki stool has surpassed our expectations, and Adam responded extremely positively, using the chair in a way that supported his leaning and the outcomes were really successful.” concludes Mrs Tyson. 

Contact the team at Edushift to find out more about the Hokki stool.