tutortouch and Bytello Class

A hands on webinar

Join Jaco De Villiers, tutortouch specialist, as he explores Bytello class and the tutortouch EK series interactive panel in an information packed webinar.

tutortouch EK series

Transform your classroom learning experience with tutortouch!

From interactive whiteboards and digital classroom tools to seamless remote learning solutions and collaboration platforms, we’ve got you covered.

  • Interactive Whiteboards: For real-time collaboration and annotation.
  • Digital Classroom Tools: For managing course materials, quizzes, and student progress.
  • Collaboration Platforms: Shared workspaces for group projects and discussions.
  • Remote Learning Solutions: Tools for virtual classes and online interactions.
  • Professional Development: Training for faculty on using these tools effectively.

Elevate teaching and learning with our customizable, cutting-edge technology. These solutions help create engaging, flexible, and effective learning environments.

tutortouch Panel EK65

Want more information?

Whether you are ready to buy or want to know more, contact Edushift and we will be in touch to answer any of your questions