21st century classrooms are more than a space with furniture
A classroom must be able to cater to the teachers and learners’ educational needs both mentally and physically.
Shift-able/ Mobile/ Agile/ Fluid/ Flexible means that a classroom has the freedom to create open spaces for interactive lessons through innovative student furniture.
A classroom that can be flipped and redesigned for every lesson or task based can aid and inspire an educator/guide to plan a fun, interactive and informative day with their students. Essential defined spaces such as the campfire, watering hole or cave scenarios create vital skill sharing and learning situations for students.
Shift + or make a space furniture
The essential furniture (environmental teaching tools) for collaborative teaching in the 21st Century Classroom.
Learning and the learning environment are closely connected as we teach children the core competencies in 21st century schools, with teaching methods that are actually designed to achieve the outcomes we need now and in the future, through enquiry based learning.
It is imperative to create spaces that do not restrict students development, therefore necessary to create spaces that are adaptable and multi functional to accommodate a widening range of school activities and teaching style in highly flexible learning environment.
As a full-service furniture supplier, Edushift offers a complete spectrum from collaborative to flexible solutions to cover all requirements for the school of today.